
You’ll find here my services and rates :

Lineart on monochrome background
70 €
Lineart with colors and flat lightning
120 €
Lineart with semi-réalistic lightning
190 €
Semi-realistic render without lineart
250 €
Cartoon character : perfect as avatars, emot, mascot…
40 €
Illustration, title, tracklist and logos integration
180 €

You’d like something which isn’t here ? Contact-me for a customised bid !

Did you find what you were looking for ? Fantastic ! Let’s see how I work from here :

We start with a questions session : personality of your character/album, atmosphere, colors, details… Everything and anything that can help me to understand your need and stick as close as possible to your idea !
Pro tips : if you have any reference images, it’s time to show them !

I come back to you with a first sketch. You’ll have the opportunity to tell me if something isn’t right : pose, clothes, expresion… If it’s okay we’ll validate it and I’ll ask for the first half of the money.
Beware : I won’t do any modification to the sketch past this point, take your time !

Once we validated the sketch, I’ll start the lineart itself. If it’s what you’ve asked for, we do a last I will send you a high resolution image, after you paid the rest of the payment.

If you ordered a flat or semi-realistic lightning I’ll send you anoter step with only the basic colors, without lightning.
Note : Colors won’t change for a flat lightning render, but may vary a bit with a semi-realistic one.

Finally, I will come back a last time when the image is done, and you’ll receive it in high resolution when the payment is complete 🙂